Guide for Authors

Instructions to Contributors

 All manuscript submissions to the Journal of Iran National Museum should be in a Word ".doc" file or in a Word-compatible file. The manuscripts should use Times New Roman 12 point font, and be double-spaced. Articles should not exceed 7,000 words excluding the title page, abstract, and bibliographic references.


The following information is required:


Cover letter including names, addresses, phone numbers and email addresses of the authors. Please also indicate the corresponding author.

200-word abstract

Keywords separated by semi-colons


The body of the paper, title page, references, tables, figure captions, and author notes should be combined in a single file, in both MS Word and PDF format.


Figures can be provided separately in JPG or TIF format and in high-resolution (at least 300 dpi) suitable for publication. Figures should be numbered and cited in the text.


Page numbers should be placed in the lower right corner of all pages. Manuscripts submitted to the Journal of Iran National Museum should not be currently under review by any other Journal or been made available in print or on the Internet.


Reference Style: AAA: American Anthropological Association (Short reference include name + date + page number inside text and full reference at the end of article)

* please dont use other style like footnote and etc.


Citation guidelines


Abdi, K.

2003        “The Early Development of Pastoralism in the Central Zagros Mountains”, Journal of World Prehistory, Vol. 17, No. 4: 395-448.


Wright, H.T.

1994        “Prestate Political Formations”. In Chiefdoms and Early States in the Near East: Organizational Dynamics of Complexity, edited by G. Stein and M.S. Rothman, 67-84. Madison: Prehistory Press.


Daryaee, T.

2009        Sasanian Persia: The Rise and Fall of an Empire, London: Tauris.