Iranian Tradition During 8th AD Century, Through the Dirham Coinage of Abbasid Caliphate

Document Type : Original Article


1 Freelance Researcher

2 Iran Wisdom & Philosophy Institute, Tehran, Iran


The culture of pre-Islamic Iran had a significant impact on the formation of Islamic culture, and this influence continued throughout the Islamic periods. Individuals and families played a crucial role in carrying on this tradition. One such family was the Barmak dynasty, which had deep pre-Islamic roots and contributed to the transition of tradition as both cultural and political figures. The tradition of featuring a king bust on pre-and early Islamic coins was an important aspect of this cultural continuity. This tradition evolved over time and was used to illustrate how the emergence of new Muslims with rich pre-Islamic backgrounds influenced this transition. The transformation changed as human figures appeared and disappeared. To investigate this further, the authors analyzed 73 dirham coins from the National Museum of Iran collection. This paper represents a fundamental research study that collected bibliographic data.


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